Plunge: Plunge
PLUNGE has existed since 2001 and this is their first CD. The group works with composed music as well as with spontaneous improvisation. The material on this CD consists entirely of improvisations.
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Andreas Andersson – baritone, soprano saxophone
Mattias Hjorth – double bass
Peter Nilsson – drums
1. Exhibit A
2. Can - Can
3. Credo
4. Plums
5. Ebonology
6. Solace
7. Well done dear
8. Bommen
9. Now What?
Review quotes:
”Less reckless abandon and more considered interaction, Plunge´s nine pieces traverse a breadth of stylistic territory, yet remain for the most part lyrical and in search of common ground where the three musicians can meet.” “Plunge is truly a collective concept, with each member keenly intent on responding to the musical ideas around them.”
- John Kelman/All about jazz
"The wide open sonority is intimate and inviting and you can virtually hear how the music is created in the moment. Convincing."
- Magnus Olsson/Svenska Dagbladet
"I also appreciate the more cautious and lyrical side that appears in Credo. The music holds together in all its looseness."
- Martin Erlandsson/Hallands Nyheter
"A continuous search for beauty and a melodic imagination which is extremely appealing. A very tight and sensitive interplay."
- Jan Olson/Skånska Dagbladet